Volleyball Season

So if you guys didn’t know, I play volleyball for my school team. I love everything about volleyball. I love to spike and sometimes set. It’s basically super fun, especially when your with friends.  Anyway, my volleyball team recently started practice and man, am I sore! We did so many push ups and squats. There is just some intense training and our coaches are just pushing us to do more. I’m sure this training will be worth it once we play our first game of the season, but I can barely sit or bend over! My butt is sore too. Every time I walk, my butt hurts lol! I know it sounds totally weird but you guys have no idea what it feels like. Maybe this is a sign that I need to work out more…..nah! I’d rather blog ;). I must admit though, I am going to try to eat healthier and drink more water. This is definitely going to be interesting.