Celebrity Crushes!

My celebrity crush is the amazing, film geek, actor, *drum roll* Logan Wade Lerman! Today is his 22nd birthday! Any-whoooo, everyone has a celebrity crush, weather it’s Justin Timberlake, One Direction, Kim Kardashian, or etc. It is perfectly normal to have a celebrity crush, but there are two kinds of these people:
(1) The person who has a celebrity crush, but they just think the celebrity is cute and isn’t totally obsessed with the celebrity.
(2) The person who is SUPER obsessed with this celebrity, knows every detail of their lives, and stalks this celebrity’s instagram, Facebook, and twitter. (Aka me.)

Why do us, teenagers, do this whole celebrity thing anyway? I have no clue, but what the hey! We do it anyway. So, who is your celebrity crush?

3 thoughts on “Celebrity Crushes!

  1. Oh my gosh another type 2 fangirl yes! And we do this because celebrities are a species of angels, probably. For me, Jennifer Lawrence and like a thousand other people have taken over my life.

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